by TraceySloan on September 19, 2014
Some of my favorite things for fall are : leather jackets, a great bag, booties, amazing sunglasses……I love pulling looks together with different textures & colors for fall. Today was the first day I could “feel it” in the air. Let me help you put your fall looks together so you can look fabulous every day!!
by TraceySloan on December 28, 2013
The last few months have been so crazy with holiday prep. Most of that time was happily spent doing things for others. Now it’s the time to do something for me. I am going through my own closet today!!  I’m getting ready to organize, toss, update & make room for what I need for spring (yes, spring). If you need help doing the same in your closet let me know & I can help you!! It’s fun and at the end of the process you feel as if you accomplished so much:) Wishing everyone all things wonderful & beautiful in 2014:)